Ideas Lab Submissions & Responses

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Team Member:Tamara

My idea in one sentence:Make Nordic East Access Trail Safer for multi-use

What problem does your idea solve?

Problem: many users of the East Access Trail do not realize, and therefore are not watching out for other users of the trail. (Nordic Skate, Classic, Alpine Ski, snowboard and Dog use area).
Solution: put signs up at intersections of multi-use*, groom at least one set of classic tracks each day Nordic center is open.
* Heather Canyon trail junction and approach to HRM lodge coming and going.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

People taking their dogs out will know not to stop in the middle of the Nordic trail, or at least be on the look out for nordic skiers in both directions.
People alpine and snow boarding from their last run to the HRM parking lot will be in the look out for nordic skiers (generally slower since they aren't "gravity assisted".
Nordic skiers will have .9 km of trail more safely available to them, especially those that are choosing the access trail to avoid the hazards of taking skies off to cross the access road below.

Team Member:Tamara

My idea in one sentence:Not sure if my safety for the nordic .9 K East Access trail submitted properly, so, submitting again

What problem does your idea solve?

Problem - multi users of the east access trail, especially from the Heather Canyon trail to the south side of the HRM lodge are not aware of the other uses and sometimes there are unsafe situations.

Solution: groom at least one set of classic tracks daily and post signage at the Heather Canyon intersection, 3 access points coming and going by HRM lodge that describes the multi-use trail (like heads up, caution, multi-use, slow down)

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • CSMR Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Nordic skiers should be able to more safely ski the .9 K trail with out obstacles (dog walkers and area near HRM, outside picnic area, etc) and know to be on the look out for Alpine and snowboarders that area going fast (gravity assisted) from their last run of the day to the parking lot.
Alpine and snow boarders will know to share and be on the look out for nordic skiers, and slow their speed,
Dog walkers will know not to stop in the trail junction, and to be looking for nordic skiers in both directions.

Team Member:Hoan

My idea in one sentence:Have a clock available at all lift stations

What problem does your idea solve?

It is assumed that all lift operators have a watch or smartphone on hand to keep track of time or record accurate time info on stop logs and other paperwork. However there may be some rare cases where an operator or worker will not have their phone or a watch on hand to keep track of the time for whatever reason, while working alone, therefore it should be standard that all lift stations include a clock for whoever is working there.

Currently, the stations that I am aware of that does not have a clock is:

Easy Rider - Top
Ballroom Carpet (clock recently broke)

However there could be others that I am missing

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • A specific department
How will they benefit?

Those who forgot or don't have their phone/watch on hand can still catch accurate time for paperwork and for passing on time info to guests who need it.

Team Member:Matt

My idea in one sentence:Parking shuttle shelters with reader board screen

What problem does your idea solve?

When I am in front of the lodge I get two questions on almost a daily basis 1. Where do I go to get on the parking shuttle? 2. How often does the shuttle come.

Why don't we make this super obvious by building a bus shelter between the breezeway steps and the main entrance. In addition put a screen or digital reader board in there that gives eta's for the next shuttle.

We could even go whole hog with it by using GPS tracking to give a live feed of where the buses are at all times on a map readout of the parking lots.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Better guest service means happier guests. Also bus drivers and parking attendants won't have to answer the same question 100 times a day.

It will also benefit any employee who has ever walked in front of the lodge in uniform 🙂 for the same reason.

It may also help patrol closing the North side by reassuring guests that they can get to their car by shuttle.

Team Member:Tamara

My idea in one sentence:Make Nordic East Access Trail Safer for multi-use

What problem does your idea solve?

Problem: many users of the East Access Trail do not realize, and therefore are not watching out for other users of the trail. (Nordic Skate, Classic, Alpine Ski, snowboard and Dog use area).
Solution: put signs up at intersections of multi-use*, groom at least one set of classic tracks each day Nordic center is open.
* Heather Canyon trail junction and approach to HRM lodge coming and going.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

People taking their dogs out will know not to stop in the middle of the Nordic trail, or at least be on the look out for nordic skiers in both directions.
People alpine and snow boarding from their last run to the HRM parking lot will be in the look out for nordic skiers (generally slower since they aren't "gravity assisted".
Nordic skiers will have .9 km of trail more safely available to them, especially those that are choosing the access trail to avoid the hazards of taking skies off to cross the access road below.

Team Member:Gerik

My idea in one sentence:Dog park needs slow signs

What problem does your idea solve?

People rip past the dog park entrance so fast sometimes.
Let's put up more signs so people are aware to slow down.
People will feel more safe about utilizing that area and there will be less dog poop in the lot.

Solution, put a huge sign that says, SLOW, DOG PARK ENTRANCE ==》

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • CSMR Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

People won't be afraid of their dogs being hit by impatient people

Team Member:Karen

My idea in one sentence:Restrooms in Twilight Lot

What problem does your idea solve?

I think that on busy days if Meadows is planning to have guests park in the Twilight Lot there should be at least one port a pottie in the Twilight Lot, placed in an obvious, central location. Perhaps next to where the shuttle bus picks up, or close to the entrance of the lot so that folks can see it when they drive into the lot. There were guests on Monday, Feb. 21 who had parked at Twilight and needed to use a restroom.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Guests

Team Member:Brooke

My idea in one sentence:Gender neutral/ all gendered bathrooms

What problem does your idea solve?

We have a single stall bathroom in the employee breakroom and one family bathroom in downstairs Sahale(perhaps there are more I am unaware of); however, several locations of the lodge have only two bathroom options that accommodate only two genders. Ideally, it would be really cool to see all gendered bathrooms more readily available around the lodge, but I understand the undertaking this would be. Perhaps considerations for future expansion and remodel plans! My idea in the interim would be to adapt signage on current restrooms to be more inclusive. Perhaps this looks like relabeling all bathrooms as all gendered, signs indicating where gender neutral or all gendered bathrooms are located in other parts of the lodge, and/or adding disclaimers to gender labeled bathrooms that encourage/allow folks to use whichever restroom feels most comfortable for them.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Increased physical and psychological safety as well as a sense of belonging for both employees and guests whom may identify outside of the gender binary. Parents/caregivers whose children are a different gender from them will also benefit from being able to keep better supervision.

Management Response

Brooke and I took a walk to identify existing family/single stall areas. Discussed signage as an easy move to make now, with the lens of future re-models to have inclusive bathrooms. Most needed areas would be Team Lounge (and additional stall plus showers) and Main south Lodge. With our aim to foster a stronger sense of belonging for all, this has short term impacts - the cumulative effects of someone adding up in their brain all the barriers or welcoming spaces to being / working here. Then there are the practical and possible long term effects: walking farther to a bathroom could yield more down time, guilt for taking longer, perception that a person's length of break is a performance issue; choosing to drink less water has eventual health impacts. In addition to the link Brooke provided : - Matt Troskey

Team Member:Brooke

My idea in one sentence:Meditation/zen Room

What problem does your idea solve?

The mountain, particularly on weekends can be a busy and stimulating environment. This can be overwhelming to our team. We have the breakroom of course, but sometimes this can provide limited privacy. It would be awesome to have a small, calm, cozy room where a team member could use/reserve in short 15 minute increments or something to meditate, rest, reset and regulate in a private intentional space to ultimately come back to work refreshed and ready to serve the guests! Perhaps this is something to be included in the HR remodel!

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Guests will benefit from refreshed and focused team members. Team member's wellness would improve through the ability to take an effective pause from the hustle and bustle of resort operations!

Team Member:Margie

My idea in one sentence:Post "ODOT REQUIRED SnoPark Permits Sold Here" at Ticket Booth, Concierge, Retail, Rentals

What problem does your idea solve?

Please consider posting signs (even a typed paper sign on bright paper - maybe with a copy of a SnoPark permit for illustration) at each outside ticket window, concierge, Outer Limits, Rentals so guests know they need a SnoPark permit. Although a SnoPark permit is noted as a requirement on, guests don't always read the website. We (Guest Services and Hosts) do try to ask if they need a SnoPark, but sometimes we get distracted, or simply forget. Having a visual "cue" would help us as well as our guests.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

It will educate guests - especially those from out of state - who may not know a SnoPark permit is required. It would reduce their frustration and financial expense by avoiding a parking ticket.

Management Response

Hi Margie,

Thanks for the great idea. I asked the Marketing Team to make up a sign that we can post at the sales stations. Should have something next week.


Team Member:Melinda

My idea in one sentence:Lodge Maps

What problem does your idea solve?

Updating some signs for the awesome changes we have made would be a awesome start. Having a map of the lodges would be super helpful for vendors, customers, new employees. Just by Main doors.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

If they had a lodge map they will not have to find someone to ask directions

Management Response

Thanks Melinda! I think you're on to something here. The last two seasons we've been focused on managing the amount of guests coming into the lodges - and this is the first season where we are fully utilizing Sahale the way it was intended.
Our guests could use some assistance in getting around the lodge.
We have some maps already and we have poster frames and could add them to some of our TVs.
If you have some suggestions for new locations please share with our marketing team.
Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Jordan

My idea in one sentence:Parking lot walkway improvements

What problem does your idea solve?

My idea is this- adding a walkway, including a set of two or three stairs as needed, through the flagpole rock island in the parking lot. One walkway between the 3rd and 4th flags, or better two walkways between flags 2&3, and 3&4. I'm sure you've all heard it before.

This is something I have always noticed when coming to work or to ski at MHM, that there is no walkway from the parking lot to the breezeway. And even on days that our parking teams do make the effort to make a traffic cone walkway, guests and employees are still faced with a wall of snow, and have to walk around to get to the breezeway stairs, again dodging traffic on the way. This is especially confusing for people on their first or second time visiting MHM, getting their first impressions of our ski area.

On top of the increased convenience and smoother experience, the improved walkway would create a safer route for thousands of guests and employees each day. It would encourage the use of the walkways our parking crews take the time to organize with traffic cones. Many times I have seen groups of people, families, older people, kids, and employees dodging cars, trucks, and buses in the lot, especially as they are forced to walk around the flagpoles by the lodges. Many, both guests and employees, will even brave the mound of snow and create a path over it to aboid walking around. As a ski patroller, it's easy to confirm that we regularly get 10-50s in the lot. Of course we can't blame those accidents on this problem alone, but it seems clear to me that this is a safety concern with an obvious solution.

The parking lot is a tricky and ever changing challenge for everyone. With our weather, it'll never be a perfectly safe place. However making basic changes can go a long way to keep our community safe, and improve the MHM experience for everyone. I bet any person reading this would enjoy the chance to walk between the flagpoles rather than dodging a turning vehicles on their way from the lot to the breezeway. It would require shoveling and maintenance, but it'd be a small addition to our company's daily work, and we have all the tools to make it happen.

On top of all of these reasons, I think improved walkways between the flagpoles could be yet another opportune location to engage with our guests on busy days, such as giving directions, selling snacks from the MHM van, educating guests on days with more challenging conditions, etc.

I took the time to write this because I care about MHM and think this small improvement would make a difference for everyone. Hope you'll consider it, thanks!

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Their first minutes every day at MHM would be smoother and safer. They would also be better directed towards the ticket booths and lodges.

Management Response

Thanks for the suggestion - our GM Greg Pack believes it has merit and we'll be looking at how this can be addressed this summer.

Kent Fellows also responded with some background on this potential project:

It’s been suggested before and is in our plans- but bigger project than you might think to do it right. We’ve talked about some railroad ties and trying to keep it clear as long as we can, but could be difficult to keep safe and purposely making something that can’t be kept safe for people at all times is worse than nothing at all and making them go around. The big plan is heated concrete steps with a retaining wall, or a steel structure the snow falls through that’s either heated underneath or somehow easy to remove snow by hand. We have drawings for a heated welcome plaza there that takes the place of the rock retaining wall.
-- Kent Fellows, Director of Facilities

Team Member:wes

My idea in one sentence:music

What problem does your idea solve?

the music in the new lodge is hit and miss.

I a big fan of country and reggae

Just a suggestion

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

better music

Management Response

Thanks Wes. I will share this with our culinary team that has the main control of our Sonos system in Sahale and in the Alpenstube as well.
Music certainly adds to the atmosphere - and having a variety helps change it up for both our guests and our team. I know we've been playing some music of Mexico on Friday's in the Alp and that has some folks dancing.
We appreciate the suggestion!

Team Member:Tamara

My idea in one sentence:place to deposit dog poop at HRM, Nordic and twilight parking lots

What problem does your idea solve?

I work at the Nordic Center. Over the years there has been a major problem of Dog Poop on our groomed "East Access" ski trail in the vicinity of the junction with Heather Canyon run out. I noticed that the main lodge parking area has receptacles for dog poop. I also am aware that the HRM lift and parking lot are scheduled to open soon, (tomorrow?). It is of paramount importance that this health and aesthetics and STOKE condition is addressed soon/this week (I brought this up last year to the idea lab.)
The idea is to place a poop receptacle in the parking lot at this trail junction, one at the far side of the Nordic parking area, and one at Twilight parking, where ever the designated dog area is. I looked up Oregon Laws that address pet waste as a reference to include here:Law also requires that pet waste must be picked up and disposed of in a trash can. Being in an off-leash area does not exempt owners or handlers from obeying scoop laws. Scoop bags are not supplied, so bring bags with you. Violation of leash or scoop laws will result in a fine of up to $150. Also: Pick up promptly — Prevent parasites, bacteria, and viruses from infecting people or other pets by picking up your dog's poop immediately. Many parasites require days to weeks to reach the infective stage, so feces becomes more hazardous to your health the longer it sits.The parasites and bacteria can stay in the soil for years. By not picking up after your dog, you're putting other people's pets at risk for exposure to harmful bacteria. Children who play outside and gardeners are at the most risk for contamination. This harmful bacteria also affects water quality.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

I just learned from my web searches that dog poop is far more hazardous than I had realized, beyond the objectionable experience of the groomers and the skiers running over a pile of poop, it is a health and environmental hazard. By placing a receptacle, and some signage, for dog poop in the areas that dogs are allowed, dog owners will have a convenient place to deposit the poop, and someone patrolling the area, will have a more likely successful experience requesting compliance with this oregon law.

Team Member:David

My idea in one sentence:Improve out-of-bounds boundary

What problem does your idea solve?

I am a snowshoe guide. I have seen numerous (ski and snowboard) tracks below the cat track down into the out-of-bounds area where we have the Umbrella loop. They are coming from Stadium lift and dropping into Forest Park and below... I actually rescued a snowboarder down in there last week. He was exhausted. He had been post-holing for over an hour trying to get out through deep powder. I suggest simply adding a rope barrier (with access points for snowshoeing) on the downhill side of the cat track in the affected area.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Avoidance of an accident (or worse...)
I believe that some guests get down in that area without realizing they are out-of-bounds. The area is marked on trees; But the signage is spaced far apart. In the case I cite, the snowboarder crossed over a cat track and likely did not see a sign and (as he told me) thus did not realize he was out-of-bounds. That's why he kept trying to go downhill (bad idea) to get back to the trail...

Management Response

Thanks David! And thank you for the assistance your provided to a guest in distress.

Your suggestion will be considered within patrol, mt. ops & Risk management.

Skiers right of honeysuckle road is clearly marked with numerous tree-mounted ski area boundary signs. These signs continue a ways through the woods to the Right of the “Fright” terrain. And as we've seen on our southern boundary - a long rope line does not prevent frequent crossing despite daily attention, heavy signage and the line itself. Those choosing to ignore the warning signs may very well ignore the rope line itself.

This is a good time to remind everyone that it is the responsibility of guests to read and obey this signage. Our ski area boundary is also marked in this area on our trail maps. It is the responsibility of guests to stay out of closed areas and areas not designated for skiing & riding.

Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Colby

My idea in one sentence:Vertical Tracker Leaderboard

What problem does your idea solve?

I think adding a public leaderboard for season pass holders would be a fun way to track the amount of vertical someone's skied or boarded.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • CSMR Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Some good friendly competition.

Management Response

Thanks Colby! Will in accounting had a similar suggestion.
I think we can create a leaderboard - and celebrate (without a prize incentive) those that are getting the most vertical in.
Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Jonathan

My idea in one sentence:Electrolytes for Team Members!

What problem does your idea solve?

One thing I've noticed while I'm working and while I'm riding is the lack of Electrolyte availability. While there are many water stations/fountains available, as well as plenty of water available to purchase, there aren't any real good Electrolyte options.

Current science has shown how electrolyte deficient we can get while exerting physical effort, and we all know how busy Meadows can get on a day-to-day basis, how hard we work while on shift, as well as when we all go out to enjoy the mountain and take laps on our ride breaks, or on our days off.

My proposal would be to supply Team Member lounges (and possibly for sale for Guests) access to Electrolytes, such as LMNT Electrolytes! LMNT is paleo-keto friendly and having access to this would be an amazing benefit for all of us in helping our entire team stay properly hydrated and fueled. If you're interested in finding out about this company, you can access their website at ""

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Everyone here at Meadows has the potential to benefit from this! My recommendation is to supply our Team Member lounges with LMNT electrolyte packets, as well as making them available for sale at our many Food & Beverage outlets.

Management Response

I spoke to Jon about this while riding the bus. Well-thought idea, lots of reasoning and ties to our values. I have some contacts I will be reaching out to about this for Team, Retail and F&B possibilities. Not sure if it would run into any exclusive contracts we already have, but worth exploring. - Matt Troskey

Team Member:Brian

My idea in one sentence:Employee Ride Day Once a Month

What problem does your idea solve?

I’ve always had the idea of doing a ride day once a month on a Monday or Tuesday when we are not open to public for nights. Crystal mountain in Washington does this and from what I’ve heard from there employees it created a closer bond between departments because they were able to get out on the slopes together, I know we have our ride day at the end of the year but if we offered a 2 hour session once a month in a Monday or Tuesday and offered a few employees who don’t want to ride the ability to clock in for the two hours to run lifts for people. I think this would create a lot closer of a bond between departments because we’d all have a day we can ride together and get to know each other outside of our departments!

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • CSMR Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
How will they benefit?

This will give everyone from different departments a chance to be able to get out on the slopes and ride with people from other departments, Such as Lift Ops and F&B, or our awesome workers inside at janitorial or rental etc

Management Response

Thanks Brian. I'll discuss this with leadership. Thank you both for your suggestion and willingness to pitch in to help make it happen.
Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Missy

My idea in one sentence:Gazebos to add more seating options

What problem does your idea solve?

While reading some of our reviews on Google, I saw a few complaints about how we don't offer enough seating. I had a thought about potentially adding gazebos that could be set up over the outside tables to help give shade/shelter and more places to sit and eat comfortably for our guests. As the last couple days have gone by, I've realized that these tables are barely utilized and generally covered in snow. If we want to try it out, we will only need to buy one gazebo and see if that encourages guests to use our outside seating. I'm mainly talking about the tables and chairs that are closest to Ballroom. Let me know if I can help out more with this idea 🙂 These gazebos could also be sponsored or paid for by using advertising on them, ex: Pfriem or Blackstrap?

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

More places to sit that offer shade from the sun or shelter from the snow. Also, this might help keep large amounts of snow from accumulating on the tables.

Management Response

Thanks for the idea Missy.
Culinary also thinks this would be a good idea, but has a concern about the quality of the Gazebo and whether it could stand up to our weather. Constantly popping the up and down and storing is also another consideration. We're not able to attach anything to the deck. There are snow removal concerns as well.
As we move into Spring our guests tend to want to sit out doors more in the sunshine - so I'm not sure that they would want to seek shade.
With Sahale we've really addressed our seating issue in a huge way - it seems that we have indoor seating available in the Schuss and North Lodge (near Fresh Tracks) areas even on our busy days. Maybe we need to do a better job directing our guests to the available seating we have on those busy days.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Tamara

My idea in one sentence:Enthusiasm for Nordic Affected Doggie park improvements

What problem does your idea solve?

I previously submitted the idea to have (2) trash cans at the Heather Canyon run out that intersects the .9 K East Access Trail and the SW corner of the HRM parking lot. Between Hannah, David and my idea, ONE trash can/doggie park appeared in the SW corner, but the Heather Canyon junction is a much higher priority as it 1. more adversely impacts the nordic ski experience, 2. Much higher dog park usage. If the Nordic center is only allocated one trash can, then it needs to be moved to the Heather Canyon Junction, if possible, before the next Holiday weekend, Feb. 17-20 just to get a sense of URGENCY! Even better, would be to allocate TWO doggie Park trash cans to the benefit of the nordic users. I found out that the SKI PATROL is very sensitive to that area since that is where they bring out the toboggan for injuries. If there were a way to attach photos to my IDEA, BRIGHT idea, There would be some filled doggie bags and one of dog droppings groomed into the nordic trail, but, I think you all many already know what that looks like, so, good thing there is no place to attach photos! : ) and, it helps me keep this IDEA presented more POSITIVELY, with a useful solution, and a sense of URGENCY. Thank you! t.s. (P.S. my previous submission included references about health hazards and oregon ordinances that I don't think should be necessary to repeat.)

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • CSMR Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • A specific department
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

In addition to what I mentioned last time I submitted this idea, most of it centered around the nordic trail users and non dog owners (If I recall correctly) I have done more research: dog owners that put their dog back in their vehicle, leave the poop bag by the tires of their vehicle so they remember to "pack it out" (not sit in the car all day while skiing) will be happy to have a trash can in this Heather canyon dog park, and, the ski patrol and their patients will appreciate the clean site for unloading a toboggan. I am sure the groomers don't enjoy grooming over dog poop, but that my have been in my previous submittal, but now I have met a nordic groomer!

Management Response

Thanks Tara for revisiting this. I spoke with Jess from Parking and Mel Toney and we really don't want to attract dogs to the Heather run out. It's not a good mix of dogs with skiers coming out of the canyon.
We have a dog park area at the Nordic Center with a trash can and dog poop bags and a trash can in the HRM parking lot.
Thanks for the suggestion!
Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Margie

My idea in one sentence:Online Ticket Purchases for Military & Veterans

What problem does your idea solve?

1) Tweak the online ticket purchase system so our Military/Veteran/PSIA/USSA/NSP guests can buy their tickets online in advance. Simplistically (in my non-computer programmer brain) couldn't we create a field in for their profile to enter their military ID # or PSIA/USSA/NSP membership # / other pertinent details? Then they could present their military ID or valid PSIA/USSA/NSP membership card at the Guest Services Window for verification. (Link the bifurcated liability form so that's done in advance, too).

2) If feasible, once they have their RFID pass, enable them to enter the # on the back (like anyone else), so they can purchase future tickets using the same media.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Military/PSIA/USSA/NSP will go through the ticket purchase process faster and/or, (if #2 above can be implemented) they could bypass the ticket window altogether after they get their initial RFID pass.
I've encountered many frustrated military guests who have to wait in line EVERY TIME they come up to enjoy the mountain. While they greatly appreciate the discounted ticket prices, we make it more difficult by making them have to visit the ticket window every time. There's got to be a way to streamline this process for these valued guests.

Management Response

Thanks Margie! That is a wonderful idea to allow those earning these special discounts not only a great deal but convenience as well. Currently, RTP doesn't support this kind of functionality - basically anyone who has the code would be able to receive the discount without an ability to verify. However, we are looking into this kind of service that we could launch with our new website for next season, that would work just as you have outlined.
Thanks for always thinking about how to improve the experience for our guests!

Team Member:Margie

My idea in one sentence:Annual Bifurcated Liability Form?

What problem does your idea solve?

Can the signed bifurcated liability forms be an "annual" form? So once a guest signs, it's attached to their profile in our system and is good for the season? I encounter many guests at the ticket booth who say "I already did it yesterday, last week, etc." So I go through my spiel how it's required every time for a "day of" ticket not purchased online, in advance, yada, yada, yada.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

By signing and agreeing to an "Annual" form, it will save guests time during the ticket purchase process.

Management Response

Thanks Margie. We will look at how we can develop that functionality - kind of like how RTP stores a confirmation when we receive a sign off of liability for a season pass holder. The main issue would be making sure someone connects with their profile when making a purchase at the ski area. Reloading their media would virtually assure they are connected to a profile that could verify the release was signed. But if they are making a new purchase it wouldn't necessarily connect with their profile.
There may also be some legal ramifications, where someone says they signed the release on a previous visit, but then the next day they weren't offered that option because it was on their profile - and that's the day they got hurt. Could they claim that they were never offered the option that day, and therefore the release wouldn't be enforced?
So we'll need to take our guidance on how we collect releases from the best interpretation of Oregon's liability release laws.
I applaud our IT and guest services team though for making it so easy for a day of purchaser to access and sign that release. The QR code badge that our hosts have been wearing was a brilliant idea!

Team Member:Justin

My idea in one sentence:Display boards to inform guest.

What problem does your idea solve?

My idea is to update main points of congestion and maps with a word reader like the one when you drive in. This way when lifts go down or things change in the resort we could update this online and quick to provide quick and good info for our guests.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • Guests
Management Response

Thanks Justin.
I like what you're thinking - especially in the congested areas. We'd need to deploy this kind of signage where we have available network and power, so the idea of placing at our trail maps (tops and bottoms of lifts) is plausible.
There is considerable expense with this kind of signage - but it's something we can spec out.
We will be using Lumiplay - a ski area dashboard platform - to feed information to the conditions page of our new website next year. Lumiplan is a major manufacturer of electronic display boards - so if we move this direction we'd have a natural alignment with being able to present this information.
Thanks for the suggestion!

Team Member:Kobel

My idea in one sentence:Electonic Music and Art Event

What problem does your idea solve?

The resort should host an electronic music and art festival. This can bring in a lot of year round business as a well planned festival can bring lots of off season guests who may not normally come to the resort, but also for people who want a reason to come up during the summer and fall.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
  • Leadership / Executive Team
  • Guests
How will they benefit?

Additional business, employee stoke levels high, guest stoke levels high, good vibes, potential for using it as a platform to raise money for charity if we want to go for that kind of thing.

Management Response

Thanks Kobel! Do you have any contacts within the electronic music / arts communities? We may be somewhat limited for an outdoor concert in the summer time frame do to noise restrictions - but something like this would be awesome in the Spring on the deck!

Dave Tragethon

Team Member:Michael

My idea in one sentence:Early departure bus

What problem does your idea solve?

On poor weather days when our entire team shows up but ends up not being needed, it would be nice to have an early departure bus at 11:15, on BOTH sides of the hill. Many employees often get stranded up here until the evening after being released from work.

Who will interact & benefit from your idea?
  • MHM Team Members
How will they benefit?

They will be able to go home and not have wasted their entire days being stuck here

Management Response

Most folks do not realize that we schedule one driver per route each day. The same driver who drove team members up from Sandy, would be the one to drive them down at an earlier departure and be the same to drive the scheduled departure at 5:15 later that day.

It can be unwise or even unresponsible offering an early departure on poor weather days. When days are increasingly slow due to weather, operations could be suspended due to visibility or lifts not able to run. Bus drivers would need to be available to transport employees' home at an earlier departure in the event of operations being suspended.

Since employee route drivers are dependent to drive the departures at the end of the day, an early departure can be unwise depending on the HWY conditions and road closures going into effect. We run the risk of a bus not being able to return to Meadows and not able to operate its scheduled departure later that day.

The links for our partners at CAT, as well as Mt. Hood Express, are linked on the Transportation Resources page on the Team Site. For folks needing to get down to Sandy, the CAT bus stops at Summit (near the Chevron) in Government Camp and one can then transfer to the Mt. Hood Express bus.

Hope this is clear and helpful. Let me know if I can help in any other way.
- Ann Gilbert, Transportation Manager